Elham Bahmanteymouri is a lecturer in urban planning. She teaches Urban Land Economics, Urban Economic Development and Urban Economics at the School of Architecture and Planning. Elham has a bachelor degree in Economics and also a master degree in Urban and Regional Planning and Design. She worked as a senior planner in different public and private sectors including the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development of Iran. She has particular expertise in the provision of urban growth management policies and the economic assessment of the housing and urban development policies, investigating the causes and consequences of the spatial inequality, housing unaffordability, and urban poverty, supervising the preparation, implementation, and evaluation of urban plans. In addition, the focus of her research is on Urban Critical Theories, Economics of Incomplete Markets, Urban Economics, The Experience Economy, Sharing and Smart Economy, as well as Behavioural Economics from a Lacanian post-Marxist approach.
Research Interests
- Planning Theory – Applying critical logic approach in planning theory and practice
- Different modes of reasoning – Methodology of Research
Urban and Regional Economics - Land Economics, Land-use Planning, Housing Policies, Urban Growth Management Policies
- Economics of Incomplete Markets
- The Experience Economy
- Smart and Sharing Economy
- Pedagogy of Planning Discipline