Michael Milojevic, Lucy Treep, Andrew Barrie and Julia Gatley (curators), The Auckland School: 100 Years of Architecture and Planning (Auckland: Gus Fisher Gallery, 8 September-4 November 2017), curated on the occasion of the School of Architecture and Planning’s centenary. Photograph by Sam Hartnett.
The History and Theory Hub (HT Hub) in the School of Architecture and Planning at the University of Auckland brings together academic staff, doctoral students, visitors and collaborators engaged with research in historical and theoretical fields across the disciplines of architecture, urban planning, urban design and heritage conservation. It is a forum for events, collaboration, the sharing of news and the promotion of new work.
History, Theory and Heritage Research Symposium
The HT Hub was pleased to host the inaugural Three Auckland Providers History, Theory and Heritage Research Symposium on 28 November 2024, welcoming our counterparts from AUT University and Unitec Institute of Technology. The event comprised twelve paper presentations...
2024 is Prof Deidre Brown’s Year!
All congratulations to Prof Deidre Brown for being awarded the Gold Medal of Te Kāhui Whaihanga New Zealand Institute of Architects for 2023 (announced in 2024). In its citation, the NZIA emphasised that Deidre was the first Indigenous woman to head a school of...
Out now: Issue 23 of Interstices: Journal of Architecture and Related Arts
We celebrate the launch of issue 23 of Interstices: Journal of Architecture and Related Arts, co-edited by Andrew Douglas, Susan Hedges and Karamia Muller. Interstices 23 takes the theme of ‘Architectures of Love’. It features seven refereed articles on aspects of the...
Panel Discussion: Publishing and Peer-Review for Doctoral Candidates
All doctoral candidates in CAI are invited to join staff from the HT Hub and others to unlock the mysteries behind peer review and publishing. The session will include first-hand accounts from staff who have supervised PhDs with publications, including how a candidate...
Architectural Conservation Pecha Kucha
Join us for a Pecha Kucha night to celebrate the launch of Architectural Conservation in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands: National Experiences and Practice, by John H. Stubbs, William Chapman, Julia Gatley and Ross King, along with another 60...
Prof Kirin Makker to talk about her project, Womb Chair Speaks
This paper examines the theoretical and methodological foundations of the Womb Chair Speaks project, an ongoing collaborative installation artwork which remakes Eero Saarinen’s 1948 Womb Chair and reimagines the womb’s cultural phenomenology (www.wombchairspeaks.net)....
Out now!: Architectural Conservation in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands
We are delighted to announce the launch of this big new book (all 592 pages of it!), Architectural Conservation in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands: National Experiences and Practice, authored by John H. Stubbs, William Chapman, Julia Gatley and Ross...
In Honour of Jeremy Salmond: Let’s Talk about Old Buildings, New Work and Design
The late Jeremy Salmond - heritage architect, NZIA Gold Medallist and University of Auckland Distinguished Alumnus - positioned himself at the design end of architectural heritage conservation work. It is contested ground: what to keep, what to replace, what to...
Out now: Issue 22 of Interstices: Journal of Architecture and Related Arts
We celebrate the launch of issue 22 of Interstices: Journal of Architecture and Related Arts, co-edited by Julia Gatley and Elizabeth Aitken Rose. Interstices 22 takes the theme of ‘Urban Historical’. It features five refereed articles developed from Ngā Pūtahitanga /...
Architect Greg Young to talk about his work on the Dorset Street Flats
The HT Hub is partnering with DOCOMOMO NZ to host a Zoom talk by Greg Young, who has led the repair and conservation of Miles Warren's Dorset Street Flats in Christchurch (1956-57), following damage sustained in the Canterbury earthquake sequence (2010-11). Greg will...
Ngā Pūtahitanga / Crossings: Proceedings out now!
We are very pleased to announce that the proceedings from Ngā Pūtahitanga / Crossings, the 39th annual SAHANZ conference and the 16th conference of the Australasian UHPH Group, held at the University of Auckland in November 2022, have now been published. The volume...
Out now: Issue 21 of Interstices: Journal of Architecture and Related Arts
We celebrate the launch of issue 21 of Interstices: Journal of Architecture and Related Arts, co-edited by Jeanette Budgett (Unitec), Carl Douglas (AUT) and Simon Twose (VUW). Interstices 21 takes the theme of ‘Fixing’. It comprises an editorial, an impressive ten...
Congratulations to Professor Andrew Barrie who was elected as an Honorary Fellow of the Academy of the Royal Society Te Apārangi
Huge congratulations to Prof Andrew Barrie, who was elected as an Honorary Fellow of the Academy of the Royal Society Te Apārangi in March 2022. Andrew is a multi-award winning designer of buildings, exhibitions and installations, as well as an insightful and prolific...
SAHANZ / UHPH Conference, 25-27 November 2022
The School of Architecture and Planning is hosting the next conference of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand (SAHANZ) and the Australasian Urban History Planning History Group (UHPH) as a joint event, from 25 to 27 November 2022. The...
Out Now: Interstices Special Issue on Spinoza
We celebrate the launch of a special issue of Interstices: Journal of Architecture and Related Arts, co-edited by Eu Jin Chua, AUT University, and Dr Farzaneh Haghighi, University of Auckland, exploring 'The Arts of Spinoza + Pacific Spinoza'. It comprises an...
Post-Graduate workshop in memory of Associate Professor Michael Gunder: Ideological Fantasies in Planning Practices (1st December 2021)
The School of Architecture and Planning at The University of Auckland is organising a Post-Graduate (PG) workshop, Ideological Fantasies in Planning Practices, in memory of Associate Professor Michael Gunder. This online workshop will be held on 1st December 2021 from...
Book of Abstracts – The festschrift mini-conference in memory of Michael Gunder: Ideological Fantasies in Planning Practices
Dr Angelique Chettiparambil Rajan Professor of Urban Planning and Governance, Department of Real Estate and Planning, University of Reading Ideological Fantasies and planning: A systems theoretical perspective A systems theoretical perspective on the idea of...
The festschrift mini-conference in memory of Associate Professor Michael Gunder: Ideological Fantasies in Planning Practices (2nd November 2021)
The HT Hub hosts a conference in memory of our colleague, the late Associate Professor Michael Gunder, a well-known scholar of planning theory who died unexpectedly in March 2021. The convenors, Dr Elham Bahmanteymouri and Dr Mohsen Mohammadzadeh, are two of Michael’s...
Fast Forward: Julia Gatley in Conversation with Alexandra Jayeun Lee and Rowan Fraser, 21 September 2021, 1 p.m. NZ time
Many architecture graduates make careers in disciplines other than architecture. In the fifth Fast Forward Spring virtual Q&A for 2021, Julia Gatley talks to two such graduates from the University of Auckland, who share interests in sustainability and humanity,...
Fast Forward: Michael Milojevic in Conversation with Brendan MacFarlane, 14 September 2021
The fourth Q&A of Fast Forward Spring for 2021 takes place at 6.30 p.m. on Tuesday 14 September, when Michael Milojevic talks to New Zealand-born Brendan MacFarlane, who studied at the University of Auckland in 1980-81, before completing his architecture degree at...