Farzaneh Haghighi is a lecturer in Architecture (Theory and Criticism), at the School of Architecture and Planning, the University of Auckland. She holds a PhD in Architecture from The University of Sydney (Australia, 2015), MArch from Shahid Beheshti University (Iran, 2008) and BArch from Yazd University (Iran, 2005).
Farzaneh has broad teaching experience in Iran and Australia. She has contributed to the architectural departments at the University of Sydney (USYD), the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) and the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in the areas of Design Studios and History/Theory as a tutor and invited critic. Being awarded a full scholarship (IPRS) by the University of Sydney, Farzaneh completed her PhD thesis “Bazaar as Event: An exploration of the Tehran bazaar through the Foucauldian notion of event” aimed for demonstrating that Foucault’s notion of event allows for the potential immanent in the Tehran bazaar (an Iranian marketplace) to be expressed as an alternative to the traditional sociopolitical and architectural discourses of this marketplace. Within such body of research, she extends her passion for the political role of architecture into her teaching and writing.
As a researcher, her work is concerned with the intersection of political philosophy, architecture and urbanism. She has published on the political philosophy of Michel Foucault, George Bataille, Roland Barthes and Marc Augé. Her research seeks new avenues to enrich our creative analysis of complex built environments through investigating the implications of critical and cultural theory for architectural knowledge.
Research interests:
- Political philosophy of Michel Foucault
- Architecture and politics
Intersection of urban space and event - Iranian modern architecture and urbanism
- Architecture of the act of trade