Academic Staff
Elizabeth Aitken Rose
Senior Lecturer (Co-director)
Research Interests
- Arts and cultural policy
- Heritage
- Children’s policy
- Community and local economic development
- Planning history
- Public management
Julia Gatley
Associate Professor (Co-director)
Research Interests
- Modern and postmodern architecture
- New Zealand architecture
- Conservation of significant 20th century buildings
Elham Bahmanteymouri
Senior Lecturer (Co-founder)
Research Interests
- Planning theory
- The application of critical logic to planning
- Urban, regional and land economics
- Housing policy and urban growth
- Planning pedagogy
Anthony Brand
Research Interests
- Haptic phenomenology
- Atmosphere and affect
- Architecture and neuroscience
- Multisensory and synaesthetic perception
- Enaction and embodiment
Deidre Brown
Research Interests
- Maori art and architecture
- Pacific art and architecture
- Cultural and intellectual property rights
- Human and animal studies
- Digital culture and Indigenous peoples
Andrew Douglas
Senior Lecturer
Research Interests
- Philosophy and architecture
- Cultural studies approaches to space and materiality
- Urban histories and para-literatures
- Education philosophies
- Gender and sexuality
Bill McKay
Senior Lecturer
Research Interests
- New Zealand architectural history
- Maori architecture
- South Pacific architecture
- Social housing
- War memorials
- Auckland urban design issues
- Contemporary architectural criticism
- Contemporary practice and design
Mohsen Mohammadzadeh
Senior Lecturer
Research Interests
- Critical urban theory – Society of control
- Urban discontent and planning
- Smart city and the ethics of big data
- Driverless cars and their impacts on the built environment
Current History/Theory Doctoral Projects:
– Tony Barnes, ‘The Architectural Expression of the Arts and Crafts Movement in Auckland’s Houses (1900-1925)’. Supervisor: Julia Gatley. Co-supervisor: Deidre Brown.
– Weian Chen, ‘The Nascence of Presence: A Pilgrim’s Journey through the Sensuous in Architecture. Supervisor: Andrew Douglas. Co-supervisors: Anthony Brand and Becca Weber.
– Saeed Haghnia, ‘Architecture of the Residential Care Environments in Tehran, Iran’. Supervisors: Farzaneh Haghighi. Co-supervisor: Andrew Douglas.
– Lena Henry, ‘Tino Rangatiratanga and Maori Representation on Local Authority Boards.’ Supervisor: Deidre Brown. Co-supervisor: Lee Beattie.
– Jiang Jing, ‘Architectures of Transitions: An Investigation on Emerging Spatialities in the Age of Experiential Augmentation’. Supervisor: Manfredo Manfredini. Co-supervisor: Farzaneh Haghighi.
– Mugdha Kulkarni, ‘A Study of the Maratha Sea Forts in Konkan Region of India’. Supervisor: Julia Gatley. Co-supervisor: Paola Boarin.
– Xiaoli Liu, ‘Placing Nothingness: An Investigation of Cross-Cultural Philosophical Encounters Centred on the Architecture of Courtyards.’ Supervisor: Andrew Douglas. Co-supervisor: Ross Jenner.
– Annabel Pretty, ‘Sublime Follies: Spatial Poetics of Folies and Architectural Photography.’ Supervisor: Manfredo Manfredini. Co-supervisor: Andrew Douglas.
– Alfredo Ramos, ‘The Place of the Body without Organs in Porto Maravilha, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil’. Supervisor: Farzaneh Haghighi. Co-supervisor: Manfredo Manfredini.
– Maqsood Rezayee, ‘Architectural Concept and Urban Planning Approach to Overcome the Problems of Informal Settlement in Kabul city.’ Supervisor: Deidre Brown. Co-supervisor: Elham Bahmanteymouri.
– Candida Rolla, ‘Where the Natural and Cultural Unite: New Zealand’s Place in the International Development of Cultural Landscape Identification and Preservation’. Supervisor: Julia Gatley. Co-supervisor: Paola Boarin.
– Amber Ruckes, ‘Te Ao o Hinepūkohurangi: The construction of Indigenous Architecture through Māori Knowledge.’ Supervisor: Deidre Brown. Co-supervisor: Anthony Hoete.
– Megan Rule, ‘A Brief (Her)Story of Climate Response in Architecture Practice.’ Supervisor: Julia Gatley. Co-supervisor: Sarosh Mulla.
– Azra Shabbir Ahamed, ‘Sustainable Social Housing Design in India: An Integrated Approach’. Supervisor: Farzaneh Haghighi. Co-supervisors: Paola Boarin.
– Nicola Short, ‘Heritage law and planning, heritage ontologies and cultural heritage landscapes in Aotearoa New Zealand.’ Elizabeth Aitken Rose. Co Supervisor: Deidre Brown.
– Ariel Wang, ‘Preservation and Revitalisation of Traditional Chinese Villages, with a Focus on the Anhui Region.‘ Supervisor: Julia Gatley. Co-supervisor: Marian Macken.
– Hnin Su Mon Win, ‘Buddhist Temple Architecture in New Zealand.’ Supervisor: Julia Gatley. Co-supervisor: Anthony Brand.
– Kaining Zhang, ‘The Conservation, Retrofit and Reuse of Historic Buildings and Districts Based on the Human Settlement Environment.’ Supervisor: Paola Boarin. Co-supervisors: Elizabeth Aitken Rose and Timothy Welch.
Recent History/Theory Doctoral Completions:
2023: Dongxue Liu, ‘Heritage Planning in Migrant Societies: A Case Study of Chinese Communities in Auckland, New Zealand’. Supervisor: Elizabeth Aitken Rose. Co Supervisor: Kai Gu.
2022: Joy Park, ‘Heritage Interpretation in the Urban Regeneration of Britomart, Auckland, New Zealand’. Supervisor: Julia Gatley. Co-supervisors: Kai Gu, Farzaneh Haghighi.
2020: Phillip Hartley, ‘Thoroughly Modern Heritage: Preserving the Mid-Century Architectural Heritage of New Zealand; How an Understanding of Modernist Materiality, Form and Planning Engages with Established Conservation Philosophy and Practice’. Supervisor: Julia Gatley. Co-supervisors: Paola Boarin, Jeremy Treadwell.
2020: Milica Madanovic, ‘Architectural Historicism Revisited: The Case of the 20th-Century Traditionalist Architecture in Queen Street, Auckland’. Supervisor: Julia Gatley. Co-supervisor: Michael Milojevic.
2020: Jeremy Treadwell, ‘Tuia Te Whare: The Culture of Maori Architectural Technology’. Supervisor: Julia Gatley. Co-supervisor: Ngarino Ellis; advisor: Mike Austin.
2020: Stacy Vallis, ‘Unreinforced Masonry Precincts in New Zealand: History, Heritage, and Seismic Retrofit’. Supervisor: Julia Gatley. Co-supervisors: Jason Ingham, Michael Milojevic.