Professor Deidre Brown (Ngapuhi, Ngati Kahu) teaches design and history in the School of Architecture at the University of Auckland. Her specialist teaching, supervisory and research interests are in the fields of Māori and Pacific architectural and art history, and the more broader discipline of indigenous design. She has written several books, including the multi-authored Art in Oceania: A new history (2012) and Māori Architecture (2009), and curated a number of exhibitions in galleries around the country. Deidre has belonged to boards of governance for organisations such as Objectspace, The Physics Room and the Christchurch Arts Centre. She is currently a Governor of the Arts Foundation of New Zealand, a member of the Māori Trademarks Advisory Committee of the Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand, a member of the Humanities Panel of the Marsden Fund (Royal Society of New Zealand), and an Assessor for the Science Investment Round of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE).
Research Interests:
- Toi Te Mana: a new history of Maori art (with Professor Jonathan Mane-Wheoki and Dr. Ngarino Ellis)
- A Maori architectural history of early nineteenth-century Wairoa Bay, Bay of Islands, including Te Pahi’s house (the first European house in New Zealand) built 1806